.NET Core Libraries Every Developer Should Know


AutoMapper is a library that allows you to automatically map one object to another. It can be used to simplify your code and decrease the amount of manual mapping required.


The mediator pattern is a design pattern that allows you to decouple your application's components by introducing a mediator between them


FluentValidation is a library that is used in ASP.NET Core applications to validate input data. It enables you to define validation rules in a fluid, readable syntax.


Serilog is a logging library used in ASP.NET Core applications. It lets you log messages to a variety of locations, including the console, a file, or a database.

Microsoft Identity Management

Microsoft Identity is a library that is used in ASP.NET Core applications for authentication and authorization. It enables you to authenticate users through a variety of suppliers, including Microsoft, Google, and Facebook


Hangfire is a library that is used to perform background processing in ASP.NET Core applications. It allows you to schedule jobs to run at specific times or at specific intervals